
YDS: Planned vs Actual is a TERRIBLE Metric for Scrum Teams!

YDS: Planned vs Actual is a TERRIBLE Metric for Scrum Teams!

On today’s episode of YOUR DAILY SCRUM:  Planned vs Actual is a TERRIBLE Metric for Scrum Teams! Today's we explore "Planned vs Actual" and discuss why it's such a terrible metric for Scrum Teams. Todd and Ryan focus on the anti-patterns and horrible practices that...

YDS: How Does a Scrum Team Handle Carryover Work?

YDS: How Does a Scrum Team Handle Carryover Work?

On today’s episode of YOUR DAILY SCRUM:  How Does a Scrum Team Handle Carryover Work? Today's question is all about carryover work. You know, the work that didn't quite get to DONE by the end of the Sprint. Listen in as Ryan and Todd talk about how a Product Owner can...

YDS: Can the Scrum Team Skip the Sprint Retrospective?

YDS: Can the Scrum Team Skip the Sprint Retrospective?

On today’s episode of YOUR DAILY SCRUM:  Can the Scrum Team skip their Sprint Retrospective? Today's question asks whether or not a Scrum Team can skip their Sprint Retrospective. Todd and Ryan answer with an emphatic "NO" and explain why this Scrum Event is critical...

YDS: Our Scrum Team is Late! Should We Add More People?

YDS: Our Scrum Team is Late! Should We Add More People?

On today’s episode of YOUR DAILY SCRUM:  Our Scrum Team is late! Should we add more people? Today's question asks whether or not a team running behind should add more people to try to get things completed faster. The answer is an emphatic "NO!". Check out the video to...

YDS: How Should a Scrum Team Handle SPIKES?

YDS: How Should a Scrum Team Handle SPIKES?

On today’s episode of YOUR DAILY SCRUM:  How should a Scrum Team handle spikes? Today's question asks how a Scrum Team should handle SPIKES!?!?! Todd goes for the hot-take and makes it clear that he believes that spikes are an anti-pattern and should not be used! Ryan...

YDS: When Does UAT Happen in Scrum?

YDS: When Does UAT Happen in Scrum?

On today’s episode of YOUR DAILY SCRUM:  When does UAT happen in Scrum? Today's question is all about User Acceptance Testing (UAT). UAT is an anti-pattern in Scrum. There...we said it. It's just a bad idea. You're creating a phase gate that makes your agile practices...

YDS: Does a Product Owner Accept Work at a Sprint Review?

YDS: Does a Product Owner Accept Work at a Sprint Review?

On today’s episode of YOUR DAILY SCRUM:  Can the Scrum Team skip their Sprint Retrospective? Today's question asks whether or not a Product Owner accepts work at the Sprint Review. Todd and Ryan discuss the mechanics of a Sprint Review and how the Product Owner must...

YDS: Does a Scrum Team Need Specialists or Generalists?

YDS: Does a Scrum Team Need Specialists or Generalists?

On today’s episode of YOUR DAILY SCRUM:  Does a Scrum Team need specialists or generalists? Today's question asks if we need specialists or generalists on a Scrum Team. Ryan and Todd use a personal example from a recent medical procedure to discuss the importance of...

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